• Getting a great headshot is very important for you as a professional and as an individual with the increasing impact of social media.

  • A good headshot can convey several personality types, from confident, powerful, and experienced, to warm, approachable, and amiable.

  • From capturing CEOs to real estate agents or artists, headshots usually present a simple background in favor of highlighting the subject of the picture.

  • Professional headshots are used in annual reports, newsletters and magazines, on company websites, for CVs, LinkedIn and issued with press releases for use across a wide range of media.

  • Great photography on any website is essential to grab the attention of the modern reader.

  • Websites with professional images receive over 90% more views than those with poor quality images.

  • Professional photography can increase your business’ profits.

  • By using professional photographs you project your branding to the world as a serious company in your line of business.

  • Professional lighting and composition will produce fantastic results and can increase in sales for your business.